▲ 金屬分離器能分離原料中含有磁性或非磁性金屬(如鐵、銅、鋁、不銹鋼等);
▲ 可單獨放置在破碎機旁使用,破碎好的原料真接過金屬分離器,把含有金屬的原料分離出來,防止有金屬雜質進入注塑機等設備,起到保護設備的螺桿、模具熱流道等);
▲ 金屬分離器操作簡單,而且配有支架與下料斗,方便客戶使用。
▲ The metal separator can separate the raw materials containing a magnetic or non-magnetic metal (such as iron, copper, aluminum, stainless steel, etc.);
▲ Prevent metal impurities into the injection molding machines and other equipment, protective equipment, screw, hot runner mold, ETC;
▲ The metal separator has the advantages of simple operation, and is equipped with a bracket and the lower hopper, it is convenient for ncustomer to use.