Wuxi Huatong Pneumatic Manufacture Co., td. established in May, 1956, is a key instay rise under the Machinery dustry. And it is a pecial vigorously evelop and middle level enterprise of neumatic industry.It is one of the liest factory specialised in manufacturing pneumatic onents, and has rich manufacturing xperiences, vanced technology and perfect testing means. There are many varieties of pneumatic omponents with complete range of speci?cation in urion. The main produces are control components and ve component, and air supply treatment unit, ntary components, pneumatic nery, pneumatic pressure machinery, and complete sets of pneumatic stem. We also produce mechanical press machines. The produces are awarded prizes many times, they are sold throughout China and to foreign tries, therefore, they enjoy a high putation, both at home and abroad, and have been well trusted by our customers.