供電 115/230 V VAC 50-60 Hz max. 19 W / 25 VA 外殼 stainless steel DIN 1.43 01 (B.S. 304) Ingress Protection: IP 65 顯示 7-Digit plus status symbols text: 2 lines, 20 characters 傳感器輸入 6- or 4-wire Load cell supply: 12 V Impedance: min. 75 Ohm, e.g. 8 load cells with 650 Ohm 串口 Bi-directional serial interfaces RS 232; user selectable protocols: Remote Display, Printer 精度 5000d class III acc. to EN 45 501; OIML R 76 min. verification interval 1.2 μV/e; 線性度 <0.007 % 分辨率 max. 330,000 div. (internal) | 測量原理 ratiometric integrating A/D converter Conversion time: 50 ms Update: 100 ms to 2 s , adjustable in 100 ms steps digital filter 0,1 to 5Hz 輸入型號范圍 Net range 2.4 mV to 36 mV tare range: 0...33.6 mV 溫度影響 Live zero Tko: <0.1 μV / K RTI Span TKspn: <0.006 %/10 K 溫度范圍 Operation: -10°C to +40°C Storage: -40°C to +70°C 用電安全 According to IEC 61010-1 振動 According to IEC 600-68 靜電放電 According to IEC 61000-4-2 供應線 According to IEC 61000-4-4 電磁場 According to IEC 61000-4-3 無線電干擾 According to EN 55011 |