High Pressure Triplex Plunger Pump P3-08系列
The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-08 is available in various drive configurations. Main applications in industry and service sector. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.
High pressure triplex plungerpumpP max. 30 kWThe sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-08 isavailable in various drive configurations.Main applications in industry and servicesector.Minimum energy consumption and low-wearoperation due to high mechanical efficiency,based on a sophisticated pump conception.
High pressure triplex plungerpumpP max. 30 kWThe sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-08 isavailable in various drive configurations.Main applications in industry and servicesector.Minimum energy consumption and low-wearoperation due to high mechanical efficiency,based on a sophisticated pump conception.

High Pressure Triplex Plunger Pump KD718系列
The sturdy reciprocating pump type KD 718 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main application in sewer cleaning business and service sector. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.
Hochdruck Dreiplunger-Pumpe P max. 110 kW
Die robuste Verdr?ngerpumpe KD 718 ist in unterschiedlichen Antriebs- und Flüssigkeits-teil-Varianten erh?ltlich.Haupt-Einsatzgebiete sind in Kanalreinigung und Dienstleistung.Die ausgereifte Pumpenkonstruktion führt zu geringem Energieverbrauch durch hohe mecha-nische Wirkungsgrade bei verschlei?armem Betrieb.
High pressure triplex plunger-pump P max. 110 kW
The sturdy reciprocating pump type KD 718 is available in various drive and liquid end con-figurations.Main application in sewer cleaning business and service sector.Minimum energy consumption and low-wear
operation due to high mechanical efficiency,based on a sophisticated pump conception.

High Pressure Triplex Plunger Pump P3-45系列
The sturdy reciprocating pump type P3-45 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main applications are in industry and service sector. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.

High Pressure Quadruplex Plunger Pump P4-20系列
The sturdy reciprocating pump type P4-20 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main application in the field of drinking water supply. Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency, based on a sophisticated pump conception.

Hochdruck Vierplunger-Pumpe P max. 75 kW
Die robuste Verdr?ngerpumpe P4-20 ist in unterschiedlichen Antriebs- und Flüssigkeitsteil-Varianten erh?ltlich. Haupt-Einsatzgebiet ist in der Trinkwasserversorgung. Die ausgereifte Pumpenkonstruktion führt zu geringem Energieverbrauch durch hohe mechanische Wirkungsgrade bei verschlei?armem Betrieb.
High pressure quadruplex plunger pump P max. 75 kW
The sturdy reciprocating pump type P4-20 is available in various drive and liquid end configurations. Main application in the field of drinking water supply.
Minimum energy consumption and low-wear operation due to high mechanical efficiency,
based on a sophisticated pump conception.