



廈門仲鑫航自動化設(shè)備有限公司>>GE>> DS200IIBDG1AEA


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  • 廈門仲鑫航自動化設(shè)備有限公司
  • 2018-05-30 22:35:22
  • 蘭州市
  • 美國
  • 803



DS200IIBDG1AEA *所有備品,備件都具有一年保修期。
*如果您訂購產(chǎn)品超過 1 件,請與我們,我們可以為您提供折扣。



廈門仲鑫航  大量現(xiàn)貨   當天打款發(fā)貨  7天內(nèi)包退換

歡迎詢價/采購: (歐陽英)

ITCC。高速旋轉(zhuǎn)設(shè)備的控制,如汽輪機組控制,空壓機控制,高爐鼓風(fēng)機控制。甚至渦輪發(fā)動機控制,燃氣輪機控制是另外的概念。例如Triconex的控制器,除了能做 ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 外,還能做 ITCC。  做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS 等 SIS概念下的系統(tǒng),是要認證的,是必須有TUV的SIL等級證書的。 而做ITCC的,則不是必需要,TUV的認證。   同一家的同一個東西,用在不同的場合,有不同的用途,所以有不同的叫法。  同樣的道理,你的銀子極其的多,你可以用 Triconex的系統(tǒng)來做PLC,或者小DCS 來用。 這時候,你還可以管 triconex  叫PLC,或者DCS,,,都可以的。  CCC是做 ITCC,不做ESD;  橫河,Emerson的安全系統(tǒng)則基本上只做ESD,F(xiàn)&GS,不做ITCC。  Triconex是即做ESD,又做ITCC。  SIS safety instrument system 安全儀表控制系統(tǒng)   ESD Emergency shutdown 在石化一般叫ESD。在高壓管線上叫HIPPS,在鍋爐上叫FSSS,在汽機上叫ETS。

Xiamen Zhong Xinhang automation equipment Co., Ltd.


: (備注“歐陽英"收)




Modicon Panelmate Plus Compact, MM-PMA1-200, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation Communication Module, TSX-SCM2111, Used,  WARRANTY

Schneider Automation / Modicon PanelMate Plus, # MM-PM22400C,  Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider TSXP5730 Processor Module,  Used,  WARRANTY

AEG Schneider TSXP5730 M Processor Module,  Used,  WARRANTY

AEG Schneider TSXP5730 M Processor Module, Used,  WARRANTY

Modicon iCC 3220 Flexible Automation Control , # 100-304, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation / Modicon PanelMate Plus, # MM-PM42-400, Used, WARRANTY

Modicon Interface Panel, Panelmate Plus, MM-PMA2-400, Used, WARRANTY

NEW Gould PLC Control Module, PC0185, 185A, AS-185A-000, WARRANTY

Modicon Programming Panel, AS-P112-610, P112 Programmer, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation Communication Module, # TSXSCM2116, V:2.4, WARRANTY

9" Autocon CRT/MDI Monitor Unit, 4202762 A, 4202861A, DM30-09BO-728-CLA, Used 

Modicon Inligent Brushless Servo Positioner 110-222, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 214, AS-BADU-214, USED, WARRANTY

Modicon Analog Input Module, AS-B875-012, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 204, AS-BADU-204, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Compact CPU 4K Memory, PC-0984-130, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 206, 6728-042.274905, USED, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation TSX-DST1632 Output Module, TSXDST1632, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 205, AS-BADU-205, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 204, 6728-042.244639, USED, WARRANTY

Schneider TSX Quantum AC Output Unit, # 140DAO84000, Used,  WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 204, 6728-042.244639, Missing Connectors

AEG Modicon Analog Module, ADU 214, 6728-042.277589, USED, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation Communication Module, TSXSCM2116, Ver. 2.3, Used WARRANTY

AEG / Modicon iCC Power Supply, 110-144, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Automation Processor TSXP47455, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Interface Module, # ZAE 204, 6728-042.274926, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation 2 Axis Control Module TSXAXM292, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, ADU 206, 6728-042.274905, USED, * * AS-IS * *

Schneider emecanique Automation Short Rack/Chasis, # TSXRKN52, TSX B47/67/87

Real Time Ware Master Terminal Operating Module, RTW05060601, USED, WARRANTY

NEW Schneider TSX Quantum 12' Power Cable, # 140XTS00212,  WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Processor, TSXP5710M, TSX Premium, Used, WARRANTY

New Schneider Electric Contactor, LC1D32BL, 24 VDC, LAD4TBDL, NIB, Warranty

Modicon iCC Cyberline 1000 Power Supply , # 110-0108, Used, WARRANTY

Unipower Techna-Check 100-L Tool Monitor System, Type# HPL100L, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider, Modicon Output Modbus Plus Tio, # 170 BDO 542 50, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon DEO 216 Card, 6728-042.248298, Missing Connectors, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon M909 Memory Module, PCB M909-000, Rev. B1, USED, WARRANTY



J. Schneider 0.500 KVA Machine Transformer, MS 500, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation / Modicon Power Supply , # DR-PLS4-00A, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Output Module, DAP 208, AS-BDAP-208, Missing Connectors

NEW AEG Schneider AS-BDAP-212 Module, WARRANTY

Schneider 16-Point Input Module, # TSXDST1682, Used,  WARRANTY 

Schneider Automation I/O Module Base, 170AEW33000, NOT COMPLETE

AEG Schneider Auto Module TSXDET3242 32 Inputs, Used, WARRANTY

NEW Weidmuller Terminal Block, HDC-HE-24BS, 24 Poles, WARRANTY

Gould Programmer, P105, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Input Module, DEP 216, AS-BDEP-216, USED, WARRANTY

Schneider Fipway PCMCIA Board, # TSXFPP20, V: 1.20, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW Weidmuller Terminal Block, HDC-HE-16BS, 16 Poles, WARRANTY

emecanique / Schneider ASI Interface, # 67FFP40A, IDC 4I V1 Compatible, WARRA

Schneider 16-Point Input Module TSX-DET-1612, TSXDET1612, Used,  WARRANTY

Modicon iCC Cyberline Power Supply , # 110-108, Used, WARRANTY

Gould / Modicon Monitor, P464, Used, WARRANTY

AEG / Modicon Input Module, AS-B807-032, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider, Modicon Input, Modbus Plus Tio, #  170 BDI 542 50

NEW Modicon / Schneider Terminator Assembly, # 990 NAD 230 11, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation Local Deriv. FIP Junction, TSXLES65, PV: 03 RL: 04 WARRANTY

Modicon 20 Terminal Block Unit, MA-8202-001, MA-8202-002  10A, 300V, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Analog Input Module, DAP 216, 6728-042.270385, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Output Module, DEP 209, USED, WARRANTY

Modicon Cyberline Power Supply , # DR-PLS4-000, USED, WARRANTY

AEG / Modicon Input Module, AS-B827-032, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Output Module, # AS-BDAP-216N, DAP 216N, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Automation 36 Terminal Block Unit, # TSXBLK7, USED, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation 24 Terminal Block Unit, # TSX BLK1, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Output Module, DAP 208, AS-BDAP-208, USED, * * AS-IS * *

AEG Modicon Card, DEP 216, 6728-042.244630, Missing Connectors

AEG Modicon Input Card, DEP 216, AS-BDEP-216, Missing Connectors, USED, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Input Module, DEP 216, 6728.042.244630, USED, WARRANTY

emecanique/Schneider,  Motor Circuit Breaker, GV2-RS16 C,  WARRANTY 

Schneider Automation 24 Terminal Block Unit, # TSX BLK1, Cover Missing, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider 5 Slot Primary Rack, DTA 200, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Output Module, DAP 216, AS-BDAP-216, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Discrete Input Module, DEP 218, 6728-042.276454, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Modicon Input Module, # TSXDEY16D2, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Output Module, # TSXDSY16T2, Used,  WARRANTY

AEG Schneider Output Module, # TSXDSY08T22, Used, WARRANTY

AEG Modicon Output Module, DEP 209, Missing Contacts, USED, WARRANTY

Modicon AEG Blank Card Module NUL 200, 4130-042.244865, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Electric Time Delay Relay LADT2, 0.1-30 Sec., Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation 24 Point Terminal Block Unit, # TSXBLY01, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider 5 Slot Secondary Subrack, DTA 201, 7628-042.244801, Used, WARRANTY

Schneider Automation 24 Point Terminal Block Unit, # TSXBLY01, No Cover WARRANTY

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1 GG5116-0WY40-6HU7-Z, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 840D/DE NCU 572.4, 6FC5357-0BB23-0AE0, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 840D/DE NCU 572.4, 6FC5357-0BB23-0AE0, (2)  Used

NEW Siemens 15" Simatic Touch Panel PC, 6AV7671-4AA00-0AA0, WARRANTY

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1FT6086-1AF71-1EH1, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 360A Vacuum Contactor, Cat# 97H3531000A0A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simoreg D380/90, Mreq-GcG6V57-2E0, 6 RA 2628-6DV57-0, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Processor Digital Board, # R15C02D186, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1FT6084-1AF71-3EG1, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Micromaster 440 AC Drive, 6SE6440-2AD35-5FA1, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens L2/DP Profibus Board, # 1P 6FC5012-0CA03-0AA0, Used,  WARRANTY

NEW Siemens 6ES5924-3SA12 Simatic Processor Module, WARRANTY

NEW Siemens Servo Motor, 1FK7060-5AF71-1FA0, W/ Encoder: AM22DQ F49, NNB

Siemens Computer Board, # 580223.9101.01, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Brushless Servo Motor, 1FT6062-6AF71-3EG6, (2) Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Brushless Servo Motor, 1FT6062-6AF71-3EG6, 270V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1FT6062-6AF71-3EA2, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Brushless Servo Motor, # 1FK6083-6AF71-1EG2, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 6ES5926-3SA12 Simatic Processor Module, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simodrive 6SN1118-0DG21-0AA1 Drive Board, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1 HU3058-0AC01-Z, Cincinnati P/N 1-605-0580, Used 

Siemens AC Servo Motor, 1 HU3058-0AC01-Z, Cincinnati P/N 1-605-0580, (2) Used 

Siemens Sinumerik Membrane Keypad and PC Board, 570 522 9001.00, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Servo Motor 1FK7042-5AF71-1SG3-Z w/ Tyco Encoder V23401-T2014-E209, Used

Siemens 3 Permanent Magnet Motor, 1FT60646AF713EA2, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 840C Display CRT Unit, 6FC5103-0AB13-0AA2, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 810D Module, 6FC5411-0AA00-0AA0, Used, Warranty

Siemens Brushless Servo Motor, 1FT5064-0AC71-1-Z, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 100 HP Solid State Starter, 3RW2-M14N, Used, WARRANTY

NEW Siemens Simodrive Power Module, 6SN1123-1AA00-0HA1, WARRANTY

Siemens Computer Board # 570471.9101.00, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 6FX1128-4BA10  HW Ram Module, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Computer Board # 570257.9101.00, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 8ME 7874-OR, Heat Exchanger 8ME7874OR, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 21,3 kW (28.5 HP) AC Motor, 1LA7166-2AA61, 460V, 3535 RPM, Used

Honeywell Serial I/O Module, # 621-9938, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Regulator Card For Power Supply, # 6RB2000-0GB00, USED, WARRANTY * * *

Siemens Controller Board, # 570 281.9001.03, Revision C, Used, WARRANTY

Landis/Siemens MPC II 3000 Watt Drive, A-124690, RMA#8723 2/01, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens CNC Board, # C98043-A1006-L2  (14), Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 17,3 kW (23 HP) AC Motor, 1LA7164-2AA61, 460V, 3525 RPM, Used

Siemens Output Module, Simatic S5-110, 6ES5 415-7AB11, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Micromaster Simovert, # 6SE3018-8BC00, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Control Board, # C98040-A1052-P1-04-87, C98043-11052-L, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 34 kVA Reactor Transformer, # 4AP4611-4CB, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 9 Slot Rack, 6FM2805-1WL00,  Used,  WARRANTY

Maho / Siemens 28A1 Relaisplatine PC Relay Circuit Board, 27.71231, Used

Siemens Frequenzumformer Type TFR6S, Series 930296, USED, WARRANTY

Kaposvari Billamossagi Gyar Reactor Transformer, 31 1000 YY6, 1KVA, Warranty 

Siemens Sinumerik 6FX1882-0BX01-4D Ram Module, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Sinumerik 6FX1882-0BX22-4D Ram Module, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 8 Channel Analog Output Module, # 505-6208A, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Field Interface Module, # 505-7202, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Board 634901-B1020, WARRANTY, USED

Siemens AC Motor, # 1LA7073-4AA11-Z, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TF4722-0AG2, 110V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5-110 Timer Module, # 6ES5 380-7AA12,  Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5-110A Power Supply Module, # 6ES5 930-7AA11,  Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 3.0 kw (4 HP) AC Motor, # 1LA2054-4AA21, 1410 RPM, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Module, Simatic S5-110, 6ES5400-7AA13, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5-110 Output Module, # 6ES5 410-7AA11,  Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Ground Fault Sensor, P/N 61-300-095-001, Ratio: 50:0.025 A Used Warranty

MAHO / SIEMENS PC Board, 6ES5 410-0AA12, Simatic S5-010, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Reactor Transformer, # 4EP4000-3DB, T40/B, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S7 Module 1P 6ES7 331-7KB00-0AB0, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Timer Module, Simatic S5-110, 6ES5410-7AA11, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens PC Board, 6403 04 000250 03, GSP A250-3 BS, Used, WARRANTY

MAHO / SIEMENS PC Board, 6ES5 400-0AA11, Simatic S5-010, Used, WARRANTY

New Siemens Proximity Sensor Switch, # 3RG4622-0AG02, Warranty

Siemens Current Transformer, P/N 25-135-326-001 Type 296 RF 2.0, Used, Warranty

SIEMENS Power Supply, Mod# C79458-L2225-B105, Used, Warranty

Siemens 3TF43220BB4 23 AMP CONTACTOR

Siemens 3VE4200-0CT00 Circuit Breaker Switch, 45-63A Range, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Board, C98043-A1176-L1-02, Used, Warranty 

Siemens .043 kw (1/2 HP) AC Motor, # 1LA7073-4AB11, 1670 RPM, Rebuilt, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Board C98043-A1177-L  C98040-A1177-P1-3

Siemens Circuit Board C98043-A1177-L23-81, C98040-A1177-P1-2-86, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Emergency Control Stop Switch, 3LC6, 80A, 600V, USED, WARRANTY 

Siemens Voltage Transformer, P/N 25-135-449-005, Prim. 4200V, Used, Warranty

Siemens Circuit Board, # C98043-A1176-L1-02, C98043-A1176-P1-2-06, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Board, C98043-A1177-L23-03, C98040-A1177-P1-2-86, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S7 Input Module, 6ES7 322-1BH02-0AA0, Used, Warranty

Siemens Transformer, 4EM4700-0CB, 500V, Used, Warranty

Siemens Sentron Series 45A Breaker, ED63B045, 3 Pole, Used, WARRANTY

 Siemens Sonar-Bero Switch, # 3RG6342-3AA01-0HC0, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 3RG9001-0CB00 Actuator Sensor Interface Module W/ Base, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 6ES5-910-0AA 31 Memory Module, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5 Power Supply Module, S5-110A, 6ES5 930-7AA21, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens SI*0 Power Supply, 6EP1434-1SH01 , Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5-110 Input Module, # 6ES5 400-7AA13,  Used, WARRANTY

Siemens CPU Module, Simatic S5-110, 6ES5 900-7AD11, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Time Delay Relay, 7PR30 34-2, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens AC Motor, EN 60034, 1LA2063-4AB12, 460 V, 1600 min., Used, WARRANTY

Texas Instruments Siemens 9 Slot Rack, # 505-6504,  Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Discrete Output Module, # 505-4808, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens PC Board, C98043-A1047-L, 3-711-2472G, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Board, C98043-A1047-L, 3-711-2471G, Rev. A, USED, WARRANTY 

Siemens PC Board, C98043-A1047-L, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens PC Board C98043-A1047-L, 3-711-2436G, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3TA63, 3TA63 10-7O, 110 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens SITOP 3.5 Power Supply, 6EP1332-1SH31, 24VDC, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Board C98043-A1047-L, 3-711-2471G, USED, WARRANTY 

Siemens PC Board, VVGA, 31.136.1010.1, Pep Modular, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Transformer, 4AJ4801-2FB, 63VA, 115/230V to 24V, Used, Warranty


Siemens Contactor 3TB42 17-OB, 3TB42 17-0B, 24 V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Saftey Relay, 3TK2822-1CB30, Used, WARRANTY

Bridgeport Controls BOSS SCA Card, 1926296, Used, Warranty

Siemens Contactor 3TB48 17-0B, 24V Coil, 3TB48, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Terminating Resistor, 301.3 312   6ES5760-0AB11, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Breaker 3VF1231-1DG21-0A A0, 40AMP, Used, Warranty 

Siemens Motor Starter Protector, 3VE3 000-2NA00, 16-25 A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3TA 21 10-0A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Starter 3VE1000-2K, 6.3 Amp, 300VAC, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 3RG9001-0AA00 Actuator Sensor Interface Module W/ Base, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S7 Expansion Module, 6ES7 361-3CA01-0AA0, Used, Warranty

Siemens Time Delay Relay, 7PR2200-1ER, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Timer, 7PV3431-1EA, 0.3 - 5s, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Timer, 7PV1210-1EG, 0 - 10s, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 3VE4 200-0CQ00, 22 - 32 Amp Circuit Breaker, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Manual Combo Motor Controller, # 3RV1431-4DA10, 600 V, Used, WARRANTY

New Siemens Proximity Sensor Switch, # 3RG4622-0AG01,  #RG46322-OAG01, Warranty

Benedikt & Jager Contactor, # K2-09A, 110V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TH42, 3TH4262-0A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Relay, 3TH2244-OBB4, 4NO+4NC, USED, WARRANTY

New Siemens Proximity Sensor Switch, # 3RG4622-3AN61, NNB, Warranty

Siemens Auxiliary Contact Block, 3TX4422-1A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 1P6EP1332-1SH41 / 6EP1332-1SH41, Power Supply, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S7 PLC Module, 1P 6ES7-1BH01-0AA0, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TH82, 3TH82 44-0B, 24 VDC Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA7021-0K, 0,8-1,25A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Controller, 3RV1031-4EA10, USED,  WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Breaker, 3VF1231-1DG11-0AA0, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA7021-1F, 3,2-5A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA7021-1C, 1,6-2,5A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens 30A Safety Disconnect Switch, # GF221NR, Type 3R, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5 & S7 Communication Cable, # 6ES5 711-0AD20, Used,  WARRANTY

New Siemens Proximity Sensor Switch, # 3RG4012-0AG33, Warranty

Siemens 3VA4 Disconnect Unit, 25 Amp, 600 VAC, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 3VA5 Disconnect Unit, 35 Amp, 600 VAC, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 110 ~ 220 VAC Output Module, # 505-4832, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens 24 ~ 110 VAC Output Module, # 505-4632, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Relay 3TH4271-OB, USED, WARRANTY

NEW Siemens 2 Pole 30 Amp 600V Fusible Safety Switch, # HF261, NIB 

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3RB1015-2NB0, 0.4 - 1.6, Used, Warranty

Siemens Contactor 3TH42, 3TH4244-0B, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA49 00-OAG, 3UA49000AG, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TF45, 3TF4522-0B, 24 VDC, w/ Auxiliary Blocks, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3RT1016-1AB02,  SIRIUS 3R, 24V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Timer 7PV3450-1AA, 7PV34501AA, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens 30A Safety Disconnect Switch, Mod JN321, Ser. A, Type 1, Used, Warranty 

Siemens Contactor, 3TA68, 3TA68 01-7Q, 10 Amp, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Relay, 3TH2271-OBB4, 7NC, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3ZX1012-ORH11-1AA1,, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 24 ~ 110 VAC Input Module, # 505-4616, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Timer 7PV3420-1AA, 7PV34201AA, USED, WARRANTY

SIEMENS Digital Time Switch  7LF2511-OA, 7LF2511OA, USED, WARRANTY 

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA49 00-OAE, 3UA4900OAE, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Starter, 3VU1600-1MJ00, Used,  WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Starter, 3VN3 000-0HP00, W/ Metal Casing, 32A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3RT1516-1BB40, Used, Warranty

Siemens Manual Combo Motor Controller 3RV1421-1DA10, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor W/Surge Suppressor, 3TJ5001-0BB4, 24V, 1.2W, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA50 00-1B, 1.25 - 2A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens 4 Pole Relay 3TH2022-0AK1, 2NO+2NC, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Starter, 3VE3000-2HA00, 33VE30002HA00, 30Amp, USED, WARRANTY

NEW Siemens Proximity Sensor Switch, # 3RG4611-3AG01, Warranty

Siemens Fuse Base Holder, Gr00 3NH4 031, 160A, 660V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Interface Module, 3RK2200-0CE02-0AA2, USED, WARRANTY

CNC Machine Bracket Clamp Brace, Type# RBJ12B-03, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Non Reversing Contactor 3TF3000-0A, 230 VAC Coil, USED, WARRANTY

 New Siemens Illuminated Selector Switch, 3SB3 260-2KA71, Warranty

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA7021-1A, 1-1.6A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Solid State Relay 3TH2022-0BB4 w/3TX4490-3A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens IND Ethernet Connector 6GK1901-1FC00-0AA0, 6GK1901 1FC00 0AA0 *WARRANTY*

 Siemens Limit Switch 3SE1-200-1, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Solid State Relay 3TH2040-0AV0 w/3TX4490-3K, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Timer, Siemens 7PV34 20 - 1EA, 0.07 - 1.5s, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3TH8244-0B, 44E, 24V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens 24 ~ 110 VAC Output Module, # 505-4632, Used,  WARRANTY (No Wire Arm)

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA50 00-1F, 3.2 - 5A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TH82, 3TH82 62-0B, 24 VDC Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Electric Timer Relay, 7PU20, 6 Sec.,Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Industrial Relay, 3TB4012-0A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TB40, 3TB40 17-0B, 24 VDC Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, Type# 3TF3001-0B 1O/1NC, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Modular Motor Controller FBM1330-1MG, USED, WARRANTY

 Siemens Key Selector Switch, 3SB14 30-0B, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3VU1300-0MK00, 3VU13000MK00, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Breaker  Manual Motor Controller 3VU1600-1MQ00, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Sirius 3R Control Relay 3RP1511-1AP30, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Breaker, Type# 3VU1300-0ML00, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Relay, 3UN8 043, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3TB42 17-6E, 110 V Coil, Used, Warranty

Siemens Contactor, 3TB42 17-7E, 1101v Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay, 3UA52-00-0K, 0.8-1.25 A, USED, WARRANTY


Siemens Circuit Breaker, 5SX2, C8, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TH40, 3TH4031-0B, USED, WARRANTY

 Siemens Contact Block Light Transformer, 3SB14 30-2A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor, 3RT1016-1AK61,  SIRIUS, Used, Warranty

Generic Rectifier, MPP 2J225K, Used,  Warranty

Siemens Sirius Contactor, 3RV1011-1JA10, 7 - 10 Amp Used, Warranty

Siemens Contactor 3TH40, 3TH4031-0A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Overload Circuit Breaker, SG0.5A, 0,5 Amp, 250V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Overload Circuit Breaker, SG3A, 3 Amp, 250V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Overload Circuit Breaker, SG6A, 6 Amp, 250V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Simatic S5 Interface Module, # 6ES5 306-7LA11,  Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TA10 10-0A, 1NO, 575 VAC, Used, Warranty 

Siemens Control Overload Relay 3UA52-00-1K, 8-12, 5A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Output Interface Module, 3TX7 002-1BB00, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens  Contact Block,  3SB14 00-0H, Used, Warranty

Siemens Overload Relay 3UA52-00-1G, 4-6,3A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Connector Body, One end only, 6ES5 705-0BB50, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Surge Supressor Varistorm Snapon, # 3TX4490-4A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Fuse Base Holder, 3NH3 030, 160A, 660V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Overload Relay 3UA52-00-1A, 1-1,6A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Industrial Relay, 3TB4017-0A, USED, * * * * WARRANTY * * * *

Siemens Control Contactor 3TH8355-0B, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Breaker, 5SX43, C16, 400V, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Circuit Breaker, # 5SX2, C10, 10A, 2 Pole, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Relay, w/Base, PT570024, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Motor Starter, 3VE1010-2E, 0.4-0.63 Amp, USED, WARRANTY

 Siemens Red Selector Switch w/ Contact, 3SB14 00-0B, Used, Warranty

 Siemens Furnas Black Push Button, 52PA8A1, Ser. F, Used, Warranty

Siemens Surge Supressor, # 3TX7 462-2E, Used, Warranty

Siemens Contactor 3TH40, 3TH4095-0A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Starter Contactor, # 3TF2001-0BB4 w/  3TX4490-3A,  Used,  WARRANTY

 Siemens Selector Switch w/ Contact, 3SB14 00-0A, Used, Warranty

Siemens Manual Motor Starter, 3VU1300-0MJ00, 2.4 - 4 Amp, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Starter Contactor, 3TF2211-0BB4 w/ 3TX4490-3A, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3RT1023-1A, 110-120V Coil, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Contactor 3TA68 00-4B, 3TA68004B, USED, WARRANTY

Siemens  Circuit Breaker, 5SY61, D10,  USED, WARRANTY

Siemens Rectifier, THYodul. MTT 65 A 12 N,  MTT65A12N, Warranty

Siemens Motor Starter, 3VE1010-2H, 1,6 - 2,5 A, Used, WARRANTY

Siemens Control Relay, Sirius 3RH1122-1BB40, USED, WARRANTY

 Siemens Red Push Button, w/ Contact, 3SB14 00-0A, Used, Warranty

 Siemens Black Push Button, w/ Contact, 3SB14 00-0A, Used, Warranty

Siemens Mounting Rail, 6ES5 710-OSA11, Used, WARRANTY

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