小鼠中性粒細胞彈性蛋白酶(NE)ELISA Kit 質(zhì)量問題可包換包退。
小鼠中性粒細胞彈性蛋白酶(NE)ELISA Kit 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格分為96T、48T,提供ELISA實驗代測服務,如沒有特殊說明,實驗報告將以電子形式發(fā)送.The E-Z 96? Mag-Bind? Tissue RNA Kit provides a novel technology for total RNA isolation from plant and animal tissues. This kit allows the rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality total cellular RNA from a wide variety of tissues. Samples are first lysed in a specially formulated buffer and then proteins and DNA are precipitated. The Supertanent is combined with magentic beads and after a couple of quick wash steps pure RNA is eluted. Unlike column-based systems, the binding of nucleic acids to magnetic partciles occurs in solution, resulting in increased binding kinetics and binding efficiency. Particles are also completly re-suspended during the wash steps of the purification protocol, which enhances contact with the wash buffer and removal of contaminants and increasing nucleic acid purity. E.Z.N.A.? Mag-Bind? Tissue RNA procedure can be automated with most robotic workstations。
小鼠中性粒細胞彈性蛋白酶(NE)ELISA Kit 北京方程生物公司是一家專業(yè)經(jīng)營生物、儀器、試劑、耗材的公司,在廣大用戶的幫助和支持下,經(jīng)過不懈的努力,已成為國內(nèi)生命科學領域產(chǎn)品的主要供應商之一,代理許多*水平的高科技產(chǎn)品,包括分子生物學、細胞生物學、免疫學、診斷等多個研究及應用領域.公司的服務和業(yè)務網(wǎng)絡遍及全國,在同行獲得*好評. 特別是生物試劑和細胞產(chǎn)品更是種類齊全、價格實惠,*原代細胞,專業(yè)培養(yǎng)基,常用傳統(tǒng)培養(yǎng)基,細胞培養(yǎng)用的相關試劑,氨基酸,抗生素,維他命類產(chǎn)品品種齊全,試劑耗材種類繁多.。
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北京方程生物小鼠中性粒細胞彈性蛋白酶(NE)ELISA Kit ELISA免費代檢測服務: